Our Programmes
Each of our programmes is primarily designed to work with young people, identifying their requirements in order to move them forward to become active citizens within their community. Our programmes are beneficiary led, interactive and explore thought processes towards choices they make.
Transition Programme
The Transition programme is a mentoring programme providing intensive support for students transitioning from primary to secondary school, as well as students returning to secondary school after the 2020 COVID lockdown and summer holidays.
The first students were referred to the programme in October 2020. Due to the national lockdown, they had not attended school for several months before September. This created unusually high barriers for the young people to overcome.
The programme is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and is planned to run from October 2020 to March 2021.

Walcot Programme
The Walcot programme is a school reintegration and family support package for young people and their families. The programme facilitates conversations to create a positive climate for young people, schools and families to work effectively together by delivering our Social, Attitude, Family, and Environment (SAFE) and Strengthening Families through Character Education (SFCE) programmes.
Both SAFE and SFCE are 12 week programmes delivered in parallel:
- SAFE provides mixes intensive one to one mentoring and nurturing group support
- SFCE provides support for parents and families by bringing together peers who have common concerns or challenges
The programme is funded by the Walcot Foundation and is due to run until 2022.
Wraparound Programme
Wraparound was a pilot project investigating how intensive, young person-specific mentoring can best be used to reduce offending and reoffending in young people identified as high risk.
Throughout the project, our mentors worked with the young people in one to one and group sessions, as well as supporting them in securing external training to improve their employment prospects.
We also worked with the families of the young people and supporting agencies involved in their development as part of a holistic approach.

The Big Q
The Big Q was an interactive, fast paced choices programme delivered to schools in Lambeth. The programme empowered students to speak to peers and family against extremism. The programme challenged many forms of segregation and brought help to those who may feel isolated or alienated from society.
Young people, in groups of up to 30, were given real life scenarios surrounding extremism which demonstrated violence, illegal use of social media, promotion of fear, segregation and extremist ideologies. The groups explored the influences and thoughts behind decisions they made for each scenario.