Our Partners and Funders

Meet the organisations and schools that have been supporting us with our work and running programmes to help mentor vulnerable young people.

Our Partnerships and Funders

The National Lottery

The National Lottery has funded some of our past programmes – The Transition Programme (2020-2021), The Wraparound Project (2017-2020) and the GIRLs Programme (2020). 

The Walcot Foundation

The Walcot Foundation has been funding our Walcot Programme since January 2021. This programme is due to run until 2022, and we are currently looking for 5th and 6th schools to take part. 


Lambeth Council

Lambeth council (our local council) was the original funder for the Transition Programme (2020-2021). They funded the programme until July 2021, at which point The National Lottery began funding it.

The Home Office's Building a Stronger Britain Together campaign

This campaign, which was run by the Home Office, funded our The Big Q Programme (2019). 


The Cicely Northcote Foundation

The Cicely Northcote Foundation funded our working with ex prisoners and our visiting HMP Brixton in recent years.

Guys and St Thomas Foundation

The Guys and St Thomas Foundation funded our Impact on Urban Health Programme (2021), which is currently due to run until December this year. 

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Any money we receive from donations or fundraisers goes towards implementing our programmes and projects. Any donation helps to make a difference. 


Some schools pay for the work we do themselves, as they see our work as too valuable to stop. One such school is City Heights Academy. 

Social work

Social work has helped to pay for some of the mentoring we have offered over the years. One such school was Lambeth Academy. 

Impact on Urban Health

Impact on Urban Health are a charity who we are working in partnership with on our long term health conditions programme. 

City Bridge Trust

City Bridge Trust is an organisation that funds UK charities. They help those disadvantaged living in Greater London. 

European Social Fund

The European Social Fund is an organisation that funds charitable projects and programmes in Europe.

Why fund us

improved reputation

Supporting and contributing to locally run programmes will make you look good in the eyes of the local public.

see where your money is going

Due to the nature of the programmes and workshops we run, you will be able to see where your money has been spent.

improve your environment

By funding us you will be improving your local area not just for the young people we work with but also for yourself and your employees.

good For business

Partnering / giving to charity helps to attract new clients, and encourage current clients to spread the word about your business.

get a headstart

Other businesses / organisations look to work with and fund charities like us in order to better their reputation. Get a headstart by funding us before other companies similar to you also fund a charity.

fulfil your csr objectives

Funding / partnering with us will help you to hit your csr objectives in a trustworthy, successful and reputable way.

Interested in joining us?


Find out about the different ways you can support YourStory.

Thank you to our funders
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