Fundraise for us
Fundraising for a charity is a great way to do something fun that you enjoy, whilst raising money for a deserving cause. We have put together some ideas for fundraising activities! Please contact us if you have any ideas we have left out!
Fundraising by shopping online: Easyfundraising
Just Text Giving

TEXT: YourStory(£amount) to 70070 to donate now.
Eg. “YourStory £5”
Our registered Charity no. 1115367
Fundraising ideas
The list of possible fundraising ideas is endless! We have put together a short list of ideas below, but there are so many more ideas out there! Please get in contact with us if you would like to fundraise for us.

There are lots of positive benefits that come with fundraising, we have put together a list of just a few!

build confidence
Through fundraising for us, you will increase your self confidence levels. You will be interacting with and communicating with a wide variety of different people, and so will need to develop the skills needed to be comfortable doing this.
build connections
We are in contact with lots of businesses, organisations and charities that could be of use to you, and who will be impressed by your fundraising!
feel rewarded
Fundraising is such a rewarding experience knowing that what you are doing is benefitting those in need, and one that could potentially change your life. We ensure to recognise all the work that our fundraisers do is fully recognised.
give back to the community
It is extremely important to help our community and those around us who are in need. Fundraising for a charity is a great way to give back to your local community for free!
develop new and existing skills
Whilst fundraising you will encounter challenges and hurdles to overcome, building on current skills and developing new skills in the process.
Meet people
Fundraising will bring you in to contact with people from all walks of life, and open your eyes to the differences we all have despite our unity.
Fundraising for us
Fundraise for us today! Make a difference in the lives of young people who truly need it. Fundraising is a great way to give back to your community, and develop new skills that are valuable to employers and good to put on a CV!

Whilst fundraising is a fun and rewarding experience, it can be difficult at times. We've put together some tips and suggestions to make your fundraising experience go more smoothly!

promote it on social media
Any type of promotion will be good for your fundraising, but especially promoting it on social media! This allows you to easily and quickly reach out to lots of people.
spread the word as soon as you can
Spreading the word through techniques such as: flyers, putting up a sign on school notice boards, word of mouth, emails and talking to people at work about it, is a great way to start your fundraising off!
Set up a Justgiving / gofundmepage
This page is something you will be able to promote on your social media accounts. It is an easy and quick way for people to donate money to your fundraising cause.
keep us updated
Make sure to keep us updated with your progress, and to tag us in any social media posts related to your fundraising journey!
Don't stress about raising money
Fundraising can be stressful at times, and you will not always get a consistent flow of donations - you might have a period of time where you do not get a lot of donations. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal, just keep going and be patient!