Find out about the organisations who have joined us in our mission to create a world where every young person has the direction, support, and the knowhow, to realise their ambitions.
Current partners

We are partnered with many other charities, businesses and organisations – click the link below to read more details.
Separate to these partnerships, we are in contact with lots of organisations and establishments that can benefit the young people that we work with in a multitude of different ways with their careers, mental and physical health, and general wellbeing.
Find out more about these organisations below!

Impact on Urban Health
Impact on Urban Health are a charity who aim to make urban areas such as cities, healthier and better places to live in. They tackle issues such as childhood obesity, air pollution and long term health conditions.

Rio Ferdinand Foundation
The Rio Ferdinand Foundation are a charity who fight against inequality between young people, and help them to achieve their full potential. We share and office with Rio Ferdinand Foundation.

Bounce Back
Bounce Back are a charity who work to reduce re-offending by supporting and working with offenders through training to increase their employability. We share and office with Bounce Back.

Options 4 Change
Options 4 Change are a charity who help support the young people of Lambeth who may be involved in or are vulnerable to being involved in: gangs, violence, crime, exclusion and social issues.

Creative Sparkworks
Creative Sparkworks are a local Lambeth charity that train young people in industries such as design, media and film. They help educate disadvantaged young people in fields they are interested in.

HMP Brixton Prison Radio
HMP Brixton Prison Radio is a radio station broadcasted to prisons in the UK. We have been been on the radio before, talking about the opportunities YourStory offers. We receive referrals from here.
Recent partners

Clinks support, promote and represent the charities who work with people who have been through the criminal justice system, and their families.

Goldsmiths College
Goldsmith College is a college at the University of London. We are partnered with them as they have a large volunteering community.

Small Charities Coalition
Small Charities Coalition help support small charity organisations to ensure that the word is spread about the work that they do.

St Giles Trust
St Giles Trust helps people who have been involved in crime, addiction, have been abused / exploited, and helps to create a future for them. We have received volunteers and referrals from here.

Evolve housing
Evolve housing are a charity who help to get homeless people off of the street, and help them to find stability and employment. We have received referrals from here.

Centrepoint is a charity who provide support to homeless young people aged between 16-25. They get young people back into education or work. We have received referrals from here in the past.

Early Help Lambeth Council
Early Help Lambeth Council ensures that young people and their families living in Lambeth receive the help and support that they need as early as possible. We have received referrals from here.

Black Prince Sports Hub
Black Prince Sport Hub are a charity who offer free sports sessions for all ages. They help work to improve the Lambeth Community. We have received sport for young people referrals from here.

Green man skills zone
Green man skills zone offer career advice, training and job opportunities for the local community. We have received employment and training for young people referrals from here.
We are experienced
We are a multi-skilled charity who have been helping young people to find a sense of direction for 18 years, and are therefore professional and organised in the collaborative work we do. We have in depth knowledge and understanding of the pressures and struggles young people face.
We have high quality, engaging testimonials from individuals that we have worked with, demonstrating the effectiveness of the work that we do.
fulfil your objectives
We can help your charity / organisation to fulfil your objectives and goals. We are flexible in our ability to adapt to the individual needs of your organisation.
we are unique
Out charity and the work that we do differs to others not only in the way and style that we provide mentoring, but also through how we holistically work with the young person, their parents / guardians and family alongside the school in order to support the young person.
great track record
We produce effective results time after time in helping young people to set and achieve their goals, and have the data to prove it, all of which is replicable. Have a look at some of our past programmes for further details.
we are collaborative
We have successfully worked with many organisations in the past. We can therefore successfully create programmes / reports that will fulfil your needs.
expand your reach
Over the 18 years we have been running we have been building a network of businesses, organisations and charities. By partnering with us, you can have a larger reach of helping individuals in need and create more effective programmes through working with our partner network.
we understand individuals
We understand individual's needs and how these needs should be met. We have had mentors and staff in similar positions to the young people that we work with, so we understand and can relate to our young people.